NHCS High School Offers

Rigorous Academics | Post-Secondary Preparation | Social/Emotional Support & Inclusion | Robust Athletics & Extracurriculars

More About Our High School

Current and prospective scholars and their families can explore our High School offerings below. If you are looking for information and can't find it here, please email:

Resources & Information for Scholars & Families

Additional details can be found on the Resources & Information for Scholars & Families page.

Program of Studies & Course Selection Guides

We are excited to present to you the Neighborhood House Charter School High School Program of Study. Our goal is to offer a variety of courses and educational experiences that allow scholars to explore pathways to begin to actualize their collective definition of life success. Every scholar at Neighborhood House Charter School will have access to a college preparatory curriculum that will help them hone their skills as critical thinkers and positive agents of change in our world. Our hope is to provide opportunities for all scholars to explore their passions and we join with families to support them on this journey.

Our counselors and staff are committed to working with each scholar to help design an appropriate educational plan that leads to graduation. Please take the time to carefully review each course description and familiarize yourself with the credit requirements needed to progress to each grade level, and eventually graduation.

The Neighborhood House Charter School High School Program of Study will enable all scholars to be challenged to do their best. We believe and expect all scholars will achieve life success as they follow our guiding principles to seek knowledge, embrace effort, act thoughtfully, and commit to the common good.

Course Selection Guides

9th Grade Course Selection Guide
10th Grade Course Selection Guide
11th Grade Course Selection Guide
12th Grade Course Selection Guide

College & Career Pathways

Scholars can access the College & Career Pathways page here.

The overarching goal of the department of College and Career Pathways is to help scholars understand their skills, abilities and interests so that they know themselves as individuals and as members of society. Furthermore, our program strives to help scholars make wise decisions educationally, vocationally, and personally.

College and Career Counselors address all scholars’ academic, social and career development needs. They serve a vital role in maximizing scholar achievement. Some services include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Developing a four year course plan with a career focus
  • Teaching Scholars strategies to advocate for themselves
  • Providing career, educational, and post-graduate planning
  • Interpreting standardized test results
  • Assisting in college research and selection process
  • Providing help with personal/social concerns
  • Coordinating support and intervention strategies for Scholars in need of assistance
  • Helping Scholars to understand and accept capabilities and limitations
  • Promoting the use of computer assisted planning and information services (Naviance, Collegeboard,
  • CommonApp)

Athletics & Extracurriculars


Neighborhood House Charter School believes that Athletics provide a positive outlet for Scholars to build upon their education. To learn more, click here to access the on the NHCS Legends Athletics website, follow our scholar-athletes” journey through Instagram @TheNHCSAthletics, or you can download our NHCS Athletics App!

NHCS offers the following sports for all eligible scholars:

Fall Sports: Winter Sports: Spring Sports:
  • Boys Varsity Soccer
  • Girls Varsity Volleyball
  • Varsity Flag Football
  • Boys Varsity Football
  • Girls Varsity Basketball
  • Boys Varsity Basketball
  • Boys Jr. Varsity Basketball
  • Varsity Cheerleading
  • Varsity Indoor Track & Field
  • Varsity Track & Field
  • Girls Varsity Softball
  • Boys Varsity Baseball



Dress Code

High School Scholars are expected to wear clothing in adherence to the Professional Dress Policy. Please click here to read our letter to families on our Appropriate Attire policy. There were some exceptions made last year, and as we stated then, we are returning to our Professional Dress Policy, with some changes that were suggested by many stakeholders, including scholars. Please keep in mind this policy was adopted in order to decrease barriers to education, reduce security concerns, and create a positive school culture. Please be sure to review the policy before the start of the school year.

Professional attire clothing can be purchased from the stores of your choosing, but here is a short list of local stores that carry the items you will need:

  • Amazon
  • Children’s Place
  • Metro Uniforms (formerly L&M Bargain)
  • Old Navy
  • Target

All PE Uniforms can be purchased online from College Hype using this link: https://customhype.com/nhcs/shop/home or via telephone at 617-282-8883. On the College Hype website you can also find other NHCS-approved items that your scholar can purchase and wear to school.

Please Note: 8th Graders may not wear Scholar Shirts as part of their daily Professional Dress attire.  We will inform you of specific times when these shirts can be worn.