Attention Class of 2026:

Spring CCP Counseling: With Senior Year approaching, it is essential we continue working towards completing the components to our desired Post-Secondary Success Plan. Schedule to meet with your assigned CCP Counselor. 

Scholarships:  Class of 2025 Scholarships are now available! Click on the Scholarship Opportunities tab in the Quick Links section of this page.

FAFSA Portal Open for 2024-2025 School Year

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) – Scholars and families must submit a FAFSA application in order to qualify for and receive financial aid.

FSA (Federal Student Aid) ID – Scholars and families must create a FSA ID in order to submit their FAFSA application.

More Information & Resources

Our Vision & Philosphy


Our department’s vision and goal are to educate and empower scholars to actualize their personal life-success pathways that will create and continue generational wealth within the context of post-secondary goals.


High school is a transformative experience where students gain indispensable knowledge about themselves and their surroundings. As a department, we hope to empower you to be proactive in developing necessary skills and accepting the charge of responsibility to affect positive change for themselves, the community, the nation, and the world. Instead of merely giving you the facts, our goal is to foster your development of critical thinking skills, problem-solving capabilities, and a sense of responsibilities on your academic, career, and personal endeavors. We are committed to listening attentively to you, and we will guide you to resources and opportunities that NHCS and the community can provide. Alongside your teachers, coaches, and so forth, we will work closely with you as you grow intellectually and personally by supporting you in your quest for a successful educational experience and a bright future.

Some services include but are not limited to the following:

  • developing a four-year course plan with a career focus
  • teaching Scholars strategies to advocate for themselves
  • providing career, educational, and post-graduate planning
  • interpreting standardized test results
  • assisting in college research and selection process
  • providing help with personal/social concerns
  • coordinating support and intervention strategies for Scholars in need of assistance
  • helping Scholars to understand and accept capabilities and limitations
  • promoting the use of computer-assisted planning and information services (Naviance, Collegeboard, CommonApp)

College and Career Pathway Counseling Sessions

Individual college and career counseling sessions will now be taking place virtually using Zoom! Scholars should sign up for a time slot with their CCP Counselor. This will be a virtual meeting and can last anywhere between 30-60 minutes. Scholars who do not see a time slot that fits their schedule, can email their CCP Counselor to schedule another time.  We are looking forward to seeing everyone!

To schedule a CCP Counseling Session, please click on the link besides your CCP Counselor’s name and find an available date and time.

Meet with your CCP Counselor

→ CCP Counseling with Ms. Russell
→ CCP Counseling with Mrs. Ban
→ CCP Counseling with Mr. Gallagher

College and Career Readiness: Grades 8-12

Neighborhood House Charter School’s required course, College and Career Readiness, challenges scholars to explore, develop, and take steps toward their desired post-secondary plan. In this course, scholars complete their High School and Post-Secondary Success Plan with a focus on Vision and Values, Social Emotional Learning, Interpersonal Skills, Academic Skills, Career Knowledge, College Knowledge and Transition Skills.

Learn more about NHCS’ CCR Curriculum.

Maia Learning

Maia Learning is Neighborhood House Charter School’s college and career planning web-based resource.

Maia Learning assists scholars in their career development, with the ability to:

  • Conduct self-assessments around interests, personality and work values.
  • Recommend careers where scholars are likely to thrive.
  • Help scholars understand their strengths and interests and match those to career possibilities.
  • Create a career plan with attributes and actions needed to work towards scholars career goals.

Maia Learning manages scholars high school academic plans, with the ability to:

  • Create a 4-year plan.
  • Track completed courses and progress towards graduation.
  • Review their school’s course catalog.

Maia Learning manages college applications and portfolio, including the ability to:

  • Look up information about individual colleges.
  • Compare colleges.
  • View scattergrams to see past scholars’ acceptance to individual colleges.
  • Manage college applications.
  • View your school’s college visit schedule and sign up for visits.
  • Keep records of activities, goals, experiences and resumes.

Help scholars and counselors manage college applications, including the ability to:

  • Allow counselors to write recommendations.
  • Coordinate teacher recommendations.
  • Order transcripts.

Provide additional post-high school information, including:

  • Financial Aid options
  • Scholarships
  • Test Preparation
  • College Athletics
  • Career Options
  • Military Options

Test Prep Tools and Resources
College and Career Resources


Common Application Dictionary
Common Application Materials to Gather
FERPA & Your Application
How the First Year Common App Works
What is Common App


Thinking that you want to attend college, but aren’t sure if you’re ready yet?  Gap year programs are a great option to consider.  Below are some resources to investigate, but be sure to talk with your CCP Counselor if this is something you’re thinking of considering!


Below is a list of post-secondary options (not limited to these options):

  • Technical Degree or Certificate Program
  • 2 Year College
  • 4 Year College
  • Military
  • Apprenticeships
  • Volunteering
  • Workforce

Click here to learn more about the Post Secondary Success Options available to ALL NHCS Scholars!


College Admissions & Applications Glossary of Terms

Financial Aid

There are a variety of financial aid sources available to help you pay for college or career school! Financial aid can come from federal, state, school, and private sources to help you pay for college or career school.

Federal student aid from the US Department of Education covers expenses such as tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, and transportation. Aid can also help pay for other related expenses, such as a computer and dependent care. Thousands of schools across the country participate in the federal student aid programs.


Extended Campus Learning Opportunities (ECLO) Program

The NHCS College and Career Pathways department’s Extended Campus Learning Opportunities (ECLO) will provide all NHCS Legend upperclassmen with an enhanced learning experience that will better prepare them to define and actualize individualized post-secondary success (PSS) by any of the following: distance learning, certification programs, mentorship and internship opportunities. PSS will be owned by each NHCS Legend with the support of the NHCS College and Career Pathways department.

In the 11th and 12th grades, scholars will pursue Extended Campus Learning Opportunities to “try-out” career fields through job shadowing days and internships, experience what college is like by taking a course on a nearby campus, design their own independent study project, or prepare for the transition from high school to post-secondary education and career.

In collaboration with industries like construction, law enforcement, finance, technology, biopharmaceutical, fine arts, performing arts, veterinary, aviation, and military, we have partnered to execute Career Shadow days, in which 8-10 NHCS eleventh graders and an adult chaperone would visit to engage meaningfully with selected staff members to learn about your workplace and industry. Ideal partners are committed to workforce diversity and inclusion and enthusiastic about engaging with the next generation.

Partner Institutions

To help scholars think outside the box on their post-secondary options and how to successfully ascertain them, we have partnered with different organizations that are mission-aligned with creating pathways that are equitable and affordable for all of our scholars.

Summer Opportunities for High School Students

For more information, eligibility requirements, and applications go to the listed website.  You can also login to your MaiaLearning account for a database of many more state and nationwide opportunities!

See your CCP Counselor if you have questions.

Summer Search

Recorded Information Session Archive

Missed an info session? Check out the zoom recordings from info sessions hosted by the College & Career Pathways team, including:

Our Team

Dani Ban

College and Career Pathways Manager
Cell: (617) 874-6475

Schedule a meeting with
Mrs. Ban

Brian Gallagher

College and Career Pathways Counselor

Cell: (617)446-3915

Schedule a meeting with
Mr. Gallagher

Lynette Russell

College and Career Pathways Counselor

Office: 617-825-0703

Schedule a meeting with
Ms. Russell

Lillie Acoff

College and Career Pathways Counselor